OverTheWire Bandit - LVL7 (Completed)

OverTheWire Bandit - LVL7 (Completed)

Table of contents

The goal for → LVL 7::

Level Goal:

→ The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth

Commands you may need to solve this level:ls , cd , cat , file , find, grep


Password for Bandit7 Access: morbNTDkSW6jIlUc0ymOdMaLnOlFVAaj

First, ssh into Bandit Lvl 7. We can do this by entering the following:

ssh bandit7@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p2220

You’ll then be asked top enter the password for Bandit7. Type it in and press enter (REMEMBER, you wont see the password type out on screen so type it carefully and correctly).

Once this is done you’ll successfully connect.

Since we are starting our search immediately after accessing the server and in the home directory where we will use the grep command to search the data.txt file.

The grep command in Linux searches for patterns within files and displays matching lines. You can use it to find specific text in one or multiple files.

For example, grep "pattern" file.txt shows lines containing "pattern" in file.txt. It's highly customizable with options like -i for case-insensitive search, -r for recursive search, -n to show line numbers, and -v to invert the match (show lines that don't match).

Lets utilise the grep command and -i option:

grep -i “millionth” data.txt

The grep command is good because it quickly and efficiently searches for specific patterns in files, supports powerful options for case-insensitivity, recursive searches, and more, making it an essential tool. Through the use of one command we have quickly got an output of the password.

The password for Level 9 access is: dfwvzFQi4mU0wfNbFOe9RoWskMLg7eEc

That is Bandit Level 8 complete, Head over to Bandit Level 9!